Epoxy Floor Coating & Painting Services in Greater Boston
Epoxy Flooring Services at Catchlight Painting
Regardless of whether you use a garage for your car, or simply use it for storage, applying a durable and practical epoxy floor coating to unfinished concrete will add interest, color and protection, transforming a garage from strictly a utility space to one that looks more professional as it better protected from wear and tear.
Epoxy Flooring Strength and Durability
Different from typical garage floor paint which is an acrylic product, epoxy floors are a combination of epoxy resin and polyamine hardener, the latter giving the surface its strength and durability. It is impervious to chemicals, oil, gas and most cleaners, and is water and bacteria resistant. Chips and dents that are typical in a garage will not appear on an epoxy floor.
Epoxy Finish Appearance
There are myriad epoxy floor finishes available depending on taste, utility and budget, from the high gloss finish we can create though polishing to the variegated textures and colors afforded by the sprinkling of pigmented epoxy chips into the finish coat as it dries. Perfect for garages as well basements, playrooms, offices and kitchens, these decorative chips add color, design, and durability, and are available in 1/4″ and 1/8″ sizes, as well as a variety of solid and mixed blend colors. Custom colors are available upon request.
Concrete Floor Protection
Epoxy flooring is applied directly to a cement floor and protects it from cracks, stains and water damage. It seals the cement from the dust that is often stirred by typical garage or basement use.
Proper Floor Coating Application
You can expect a 3-day production cycle for application of an epoxy floor, including wash, rinse, sand, and application of a vapor barrier prime coat, an epoxy base coat, chip application and the gloss finish.
Our trained and experienced crews use HEPA-filtered vacuum extracted polishers and sanders to eliminate 100% of airborne dust. All of our epoxy products are low odor and professional, not DIY grade. Our labor and materials are guaranteed for 3 years.
Call us today! Color and product consulting are included with the estimating visit.
Get In Touch With Us About Your Epoxy Floor Coating Project Today!
Catchlight estimates are provided free of charge.
All Catchlight work is guaranteed for three years, inside and out.