Exterior House Painting Contractors In Greater Boston
Surface Preparation, the Key to a Lasting Finish
Can you identify the key to a beautiful, lasting exterior paint finish? Many people are surprised to learn that it isn’t found in using quality paint alone, or proper application techniques (as important as those things are). The key to an enduring finish is skilled, thorough surface preparation.
Pressure washing, scraping, stripping, sanding–it’s dirty, hard, but necessary work. In fact, more than fifty percent of the time spent working on a home’s exterior finish should be devoted to surface preparation. This kind of preparation is particularly important here in New England where we experience such a wide range of weather. Historic homes (100-400 years old) are especially vulnerable because their thick layers of loose paint become too brittle to flex with seasonal changes of humidity and temperature.
- Pressure washing of exterior surfaces, siding, decks, roofs and walkways
- Paint and stain finishes
- Paint failure analysis
- Weatherproofing and caulking
- Exotic wood finishes
- Wrought iron
- Light carpentry
- Gutter cleaning and oiling
- Window repairs including glass replacement and sash ropes
Are You Looking For Exterior House Painting Contractors in the Greater Boston Area?
Contact the exterior painting experts at Catchlight Painting for a free estimate! All Catchlight work is guaranteed for three years, inside and out.
Our Exterior House Painting Portfolio
What can I expect from a Catchlight estimate?
Our meeting will involve discussion of your project, a review of the work area, resulting in a detailed scope of work, a clear written description, including level of prep that will be done, safety standards, project logistics and pricing. A good estimate is one that will clearly inform and assist you in making educated choices.
What happens if my exterior paint finish peels? Do you guarantee your work?
Yes! That’s why our exterior painting services begin with thorough surface preparation and end with a three-year guarantee.
Catchlight Pricing and Value
It takes time, skill and experience to produce results that are beautiful and guaranteed to last. We’ll provide fair pricing for your project after meeting with you and listening carefully – our proposal will be detailed and our pricing transparent – and our pricing will also reflect our commitment to our employees, to run a legitimate company offering appropriate benefits, to attract and retain talented and successful house painters.
Catchlight is fully licensed and insured.
All work is warrantied for three years.