I am a huge fan of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and when his April 17, 2016 broadcast was about the dangers of lead it got me to thinking about how my coworkers, those fantastic men and women working as painters here at Catchlight Painting, work to make everything safer.
Just over 3 minutes into John Oliver’s story, Elizabeth McDade of the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning made the statement that really caught my attention. “Kid’s are not going to get poisoned from a water fountain at their school. They’re not. They’re going to get poisoned from paint in their homes.”
The rest of the story primarily discussed the current problems with lead in paint where abatement is under discussion and may lead folks to believe that abatement is the only way to protect you and your children from lead. But when you have your home painted, the lead dust can be contained.
If you have lead paint in your home, our painters are certified in Lead Paint safety protocols and trained to keep any disturbance caused by painting in a home with lead paint safe for themselves and for you and your family.
Visit our Lead Paint Safety page for more information about the EPA and Massachusetts regulations regarding lead and what you should expect from your contractors and visit our exterior historic home restoration to see how we handled a project where lead paint was present. And if you are interested in video showing the tools we use at work, watch our foreman Cole and Peter Lawson of LeadSMART in the LeadSMART Festool Throwdown showing the efficiency of the HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner we use on our painting projects.
If you are having renovation work done in your home and it was built before 1978, don’t forget to ask your contractors how they deal with lead paint. It is a question well worth asking, each and every time.